All You Need to Know About Baby’s Excessive Sweat in Sleep

I believed that watching your baby asleep is a blessing for all parents. Have you ever wonder why your baby sweats even when the air conditioner is on? It can be somehow disturbing to see your loved one drenched in sweats during their sleep. Here what you need to know about Baby sweat:

1. The Location of the Sweat Gland

Babies’ sweat gland doesn’t work the same as adults, as they don’t have much sweat glands in their armpits. Babies’ active sweat glands are basically confined to one part, which is on their heads.

2. The Movement

Baby spends most of their babyhood in a deep sleep cycle. They don’t move around as much as adults do in deep sleep. Their body temperature tends to rise when they stay in one position for a long time, and sweating helps ensure that it is regulated.

3. Room Temperature

We simply just sweat in response to excess heat or humidity, and sweating is the body’s way of regulating this increase in temperature.

4. Excessive Layers of Clothes

Over bundled babies in too many layers of clothing or even a single layer of clothing that is too warm for the environment will sweat as their skin is unable to breathe.

Sweet Dreams Tips

Babies spend around 60% sleeping; make sure to choose the right bedding to maximize their chances of sweet dreams.

  • Antibacterial and Toxic-Free: Double-check if the bedding materials are bacteria and toxic-free.
  • Breathable & Absorbent: Moisture-wicking products are essential to keep baby dry. Spilled Milk will be absorbed in no time to prevent the baby from choking.
  • Temperature Regulating: Reduced heat retention is a Must feature as babies have a harder time regulating their temperature at night.
  • Hypoallergenic Material: It will never go wrong to choose hypoallergenic material bedding because babies tend to have sensitive skin, especially if your baby has eczema and asthma.

Now that you know all about night sweating, so you don’t have to stress yourself over the excessive sweat. If you still have concerns, trust your instinct and make an appointment to see your pediatrician.


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