Prenatal Yoga Poses That May Help in Labour

Prenatal Yoga Poses That May Help in Labour

You may know that prenatal yoga is beneficial for both you and your baby. By stretching and strengthening your muscles, these low-impact yoga poses can help relieve pregnancy-related discomforts, such as back pain, indigestion, or stress. Moreover, it is a great opportunity to listen to your body through meditation and breathing. Prenatal yoga is not only a physical form of exercise but also promotes mindfulness of how your body changes during the nine-month pregnancy.

When you are planning to have easier labour, you can regularly practice certain yoga techniques that may help open your hips or relax during your last trimester. Make sure to consult your OB-GYN doctor before starting yoga practice. Below are some recommended yoga poses that may be useful during your labour.

1. Garland Pose (Malasana)

This squatting pose is a great exercise you should practice daily in your third trimester. It helps open and strengthen your hips, allowing the perineum to stretch and relax, which may be beneficial during your pushing period. Additionally, you may feel the tension from hips to feet is relieved.

Prenatal Yoga - Garland Pose

2. Cat-cow Pose

If you suffer from symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), it’s time for you to try this pelvic floor exercise to strengthen your kegel muscles. It can also help the baby move into the correct position. You may feel the muscles in your neck, back, and spine are deeply stretched. Additionally, it improves the circulation of spinal fluid and blood.

Prenatal Yoga - Cat-cow Pose

3. Warrior I

This pose helps you stay focused on your upper body and maintain balance. When you open up your chest, it creates space for the growing uterus.

Prenatal Yoga - Warrior I Pose

4. Warrior II

It is a standing posture that strengthens your thighs and core. It may be challenging to strike a balance, but it helps relieve back pain during pregnancy. Seek extra support if balancing becomes difficult.

Prenatal Yoga - Warrior II Pose

5. Bridge Pose

Place your arms by your side and ensure your buttocks are lifted a few inches from the floor. It is a great way to strengthen your legs.

Prenatal Yoga - Bridge Pose

6. Downward Facing Dog

This technique can help release stress in the back of your legs and lower back, as both legs can become tight during late pregnancy.

Prenatal Yoga - Downward Facing Dog Pose

7. Child Pose

It is a resting pose that you may need during labour contractions.

Prenatal Yoga - Child Pose

8. Meditation Pose

Relax all your muscles and focus on every inhalation and exhalation as deep as you can. You may find that you can slow down your mind and let go of all your pressure when you focus on your deep breath.

Meditation Pose

Make sure you are comfortable when you are stretching. Remember to stop when you feel any discomfort. Practice for 10-15 minutes a day in your last trimester and focus on deep breathing during each pose. Slow down your pace and listen to your body.

Keep healthy, be happy!

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