The Neurological Benefits of Babywearing

What is babywearing? Why do people babywear? Is babywearing common? Will my baby benefit from babywearing? How can I babywear?

These are some of the most common questions that come to mind when parents think about babywearing. You may be wondering why we haven’t started explaining the neurological benefits of babywearing, but before we do that, let’s take a step back. It’s important to understand that babywearing is the act of a parent strapping their baby around them with a sling. Babywearing is often seen as a contributor towards neurological benefits of babies and this post highlights reasons supporting this idea.

Now let’s consider what happens when a baby is strapped around mommy or daddy.

  • The baby feels a sense of comfort, warmth and security. Or in other words, the baby is happily being close to mommy or daddy.
  • The baby will have the opportunity to explore the environment where mommy and daddy are walking around.
  • The baby is given extra attention and their needs such as nursing can be addressed quicker.
  • The baby is not intimidated by the height of their parent and can interact with them at eye level.

If you notice, all the basic elements of babywearing contribute towards the emotional well being of a baby. Studies have indicated the following benefits of increased bonding with parents:

  • Children are happier as they grow
  • Children are in better control of their emotions
  • Children are more adaptable to unfamiliar environments
  • Children are more responsible and responsive
  • Children are more compassionate
  • Children are less likely to have emotional struggles and anxiety when dealing with stressful situations
  • Children are likely to develop a higher intellectual capacity with better learning capabilities

Studies validate that an environment that fosters warmth will surely contribute towards improved cognitive development of children. Though these studies do not directly point towards the benefits of babywearing, one cannot deny that babywearing is a method that increases parent-child bond. A food for thought for all you mommies and daddies out there, think of how your baby reacts during the following situations:

  • When you hands are close to your baby’s tiny little palms, the baby grasps your hands.
  • When your baby or toddler is crying they calm down when you wrap your arms around them.
  • When your baby or toddler is aggravated, a calm voice and a little human touch is enough to calm them down.

The situations above highlight your bundle of joy’s reflexes that demand human contact and intimacy. So, if your baby or toddler is looking for some loving in moments of high tension, I’m sure they’d appreciate a constant cuddle. Babywearing through a ring sling has been practiced for centuries and across cultures. Even today, if you go to areas with ‘traditional’ practices, it is not uncommon to see a mother strapping their baby or toddler on them. Given the hustle and bustle of a metropolitan lifestyle, humans have detracted from practices that have survived through societal evolution for centuries.

If you’re keen on bringing up your little angel in a comforting and warm environment than look into babywearing and ring slings. Begin providing a neurologically beneficial upbringing to your little angel.


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