Stretching During Pregnancy? Is It Safe?

Stretching During Pregnancy? Is It Safe?

Regular exercise, including stretching during pregnancy, can enhance our overall health, alleviate negative thoughts, and divert our attention from daily stressors, which applies to pregnant mothers as well. Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy? Absolutely! In fact, moderate exercise, including stretching, may contribute to your baby’s health by reducing body fat and promoting a healthier heart, as suggested by studies. Expectant mothers can explore pregnancy exercise programs, including stretching routines, and consult with an OB-GYN doctor to ensure safety and reap the benefits of physical activity during pregnancy.

1. Control Weight Gain

Some moms may begin to ‘eat for two’ during pregnancy and consequently gain excessive weight. However, exercise can help manage weight gain during pregnancy and reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.

2. Reduce Pregnancy Problems

Strengthening muscles and improving circulation can alleviate common pregnancy issues such as constipation, back pain, and bloating. Additionally, exercise can enhance posture and energy levels, leading to better sleep quality.

3. Make Your Labour Easier

When entering the third trimester, consider starting pelvic tilts and floor exercises to prepare for delivery. Strengthening your cardiovascular system can improve endurance and muscle strength for childbirth. According to some studies, this preparation may result in shorter labour and reduced exhaustion during labour.

4. Boost Your Mood

You may feel less energetic during pregnancy. However, regular exercise can help boost your energy levels each day. As your self-image improves, you may feel more confident and happier in managing your body changes.

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8 Types of Recommended Exercises

Expecting moms are encouraged to remain active for at least 30 minutes per day or at least 3 times per week. If you rarely exercise, you can start with 10-15 minutes per day. Avoid strenuous activity and opt for cardio exercises to improve blood circulation and muscle tone.

1. Walking

Walking is the safest and easiest activity to include in your daily schedule. Remember to stretch well before you start and wear a pair of sneakers with good support.

2. Swimming

Swimming is a beneficial exercise that doesn’t put much pressure on your joints. As your center of gravity may shift during pregnancy and increase the risk of falling, you’ll feel lighter and more relaxed in the water, with the added benefit of your baby floating along with you. Additionally, you don’t need to worry about the risk of falling, and you may feel cooler while staying in the water.

3. Jogging

Continue jogging if it’s already a habit for you. If you haven’t run before, start slowly and discuss a suitable running plan with your doctor. Remember to drink water regularly and avoid overheating if you’re exercising outdoors.

4. Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal yoga classes are encouraged as they allow you to stretch your muscles and improve flexibility. It’s more enjoyable and relaxing to practice yoga with other expectant moms. Remember to avoid overstretching or lying on your back for extended periods.

5. Stationary Cycling

A stationary bike is encouraged as it provides good support for your body weight with minimal pressure. Additionally, it helps elevate your heart rate and reduces the risk of falling.

6. Weightlifting

Use light weights and repeat the exercises several times to increase muscle tone during pregnancy. Remember to stretch after finishing weightlifting.

7. Aerobics

Low-impact aerobics will benefit your heart and lungs and help maintain your balance. Discuss with your instructor and try some suitable movements that can meet your specific needs.

8. Pelvic Tilts and Squatting

When you enter the third trimester, consider trying some pregnancy exercises that prepare your body for delivery. Squatting may help to open the pelvic outlet, while pelvic tilts can strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothing and yoga pants for exercise. Invest in a good, supportive bra to protect your sensitive breasts. Wait at least one hour after eating before exercising. Always remember to warm up before starting your workout. Be cautious when exercising, as your ligaments may relax during pregnancy. Stop exercising if you experience dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, contractions, or vaginal bleeding.

Stretching During Pregnancy
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