How to Store Breast Milk Correctly?

How to Store Breast Milk Correctly?

“How to store breast milk?”

“How long does breast milk last in the fridge?”

“How long can breast milk last at room temperature?”

We heard you, and we made a simple chart for you to refer to!

How long can breast milk last at room temperature?

That’s a tricky question, as it depends on your location. Generally, according to the Australian Breastfeeding Association, at temperatures of 26 degrees Celsius or lower, breast milk can last from 6 to 8 hours. However, if you’re in a hotter environment, the duration will be shorter.

Storing Breast Milk in an Insulated Cooler

If you pump at the office and need to transport bags of milk home, using an insulated cooler can temporarily store the milk during travel. Insulated cooler bags are incredibly useful when on the go, making them a must-have in my opinion!

Storing Breast Milk in the Freezer

It’s a good idea to store some of your milk in the freezer for emergencies. Keep in mind that in a freezer at -15 degrees Celsius, you can store your milk for around 2 weeks. If you wish to keep it for longer, consider investing in a deep freezer (-20 degrees Celsius) so you can store it for up to half a year.

*It is best not to store milk in the door compartments, as the temperature is usually unstable. Store it at the back instead. This applies to both the fridge and freezer.

Can I freeze thawed milk?

No, never refreeze thawed milk. According to the CDC, you should use thawed milk or milk brought to room temperature within 2 hours.

When handling breast milk…

Don’t forget to wash your hands with water and soap before and after handling breast milk! Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Sanitize your bottles or any pumping equipment properly to prevent any contamination from occurring.

What to do with excess breast milk?

  • Breast Milk Accessories

Some workshops can turn your breast milk into beautiful necklaces. Send your liquid gold to them, and they will craft it into jewellery you can cherish forever. Some moms are even planning to give the jewellery to their daughters as a special gift.

  • Water the Plants

Watering your plants with breast milk? Some claim that plants grow faster when nourished with breast milk, although I’ve never tried it myself.

  • Breast Milk Soap

There are numerous breast milk soap DIY tutorials available on YouTube nowadays. You can make your own soap that benefits the whole family!

  • Breast Milk Bath

It’s really simple; just add breast milk to the bathtub and mix it with warm water. However, some moms say they don’t really enjoy the smell of thawed breast milk mixing with water.

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