Be Alert To Pregnancy Flu

Be Alert to Pregnancy Flu

When experiencing the flu during pregnancy, it’s essential to be cautious about medication and potential risks to your unborn baby. Studies suggest that pregnant women with influenza face heightened risks, including miscarriage and stillbirths. Additionally, hospitalization due to the flu may result in premature birth or lower birth weight for the baby. It’s crucial to understand the implications and seek appropriate care when dealing with pregnancy flu.

Pregnant moms and newborn children are among the groups at higher risk of serious illness during flu pandemics and seasonal epidemics. The World Health Organization (WHO) highly recommends that all pregnant women receive the vaccination. In this article, we’ll explore the complications of flu during pregnancy and how vaccination can protect both you and your baby.

At higher risk of flu complications

Pregnant women who contract the flu are more susceptible to experiencing complications compared to non-pregnant women. This vulnerability stems from their body undergoing changes, particularly in the immune system, lungs, and heart, which result in weakened defences against infection. Influenza (flu) can lead to severe illnesses in expectant mothers and their babies, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, or sinus infections.

Can pregnant moms get a flu shot?

Yes, it is totally safe to get a flu jab to protect you and your baby from the flu and reduce the risk of hospitalization due to potential complications. Getting a flu vaccine is a safe and wise choice during every stage of pregnancy, as it can protect both pregnant moms and their unborn babies, as well as the baby after birth for up to six months. While it is not 100% effective against the flu virus, it does reduce the risk of flu infection during flu season and provides the most protection. If you still have concerns, talk to your doctor about it.

How to treat the flu?

If you experience flu symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Your doctor may prescribe antiviral medicines to alleviate symptoms and prevent potential complications if started within 48 hours. Rest well and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Do not take medications like ibuprofen or Panadol without consulting your doctor, as they may harm your unborn baby.

How to prevent the flu?

Besides receiving a flu jab, you can try washing your hands frequently, exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, reducing stress, and avoiding contact with other family members who are sick to reduce the risk of contracting the flu.

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