Category: Postpartum

  • Your Baby Actually Likes the Swaddle: Here’s Why and How to Do It Right

    Your Baby Actually Likes the Swaddle: Here’s Why and How to Do It Right

    Swaddling has been a cherished practice for centuries, and there’s a good reason why. Contrary to what you might think, your baby actually likes being swaddled. In this article, we’ll delve into the science and benefits behind swaddling and provide you with expert tips on how to do it right for maximum comfort and security.…

  • How A Good Bra Can Help You In More Ways Than One!

    During pregnancy, as hormone levels increase, so does blood flow and fluid retention causing your breasts to feel swollen, sore, and sensitive to touch. However, every pregnant woman’s situation is different. Some may feel their breasts getting bigger after three months of pregnancy, while others may not experience a noticeable change until after five months. A…

  • Discover the Best Bras for Post-Breast Cancer Surgery Recovery

    Discover the Best Bras for Post-Breast Cancer Surgery Recovery

    Choosing the Right Bra After Breast Cancer Surgery Breast cancer surgery, and sometimes radiotherapy, can result in heightened sensitivity in the chest area. While wearing a bra can provide comfort, it’s not always necessary. Your surgeon or breast care nurse will guide you on the appropriate bra choice based on your specific surgery. You don’t…

  • Postpartum & Breastfeeding Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

    Postpartum & Breastfeeding Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

    A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common infection in your urinary system, caused mostly by bacteria, particularly E. coli. It can affect any part of your urinary system and brings symptoms like frequent urination, discomfort while peeing, and pain in your lower back or side. Antibiotics are typically effective in treating UTIs. What is…

  • Bengkung Bersalin: 7 Manfaat Bagi Ibu Bersalin Normal & Czer

    Bengkung Bersalin: 7 Manfaat Bagi Ibu Bersalin Normal & Czer

    Pemakaian bengkung adalah penting untuk proses pemulihan selepas bersalin terutamanya untuk menampung bahagian perut yang terjejas. Biasanya bengkung diketahui selamat digunakan untuk kelahiran normal, tetapi ibu tahu tak wujudnya bengkung untuk czer? Kehamilan boleh meregangkan otot abdomen dan boleh menyebabkan sakit pinggang serta kekejangan selepas bersalin. Tubuh memerlukan penjagaan yang baik selepas melahirkan anak dan…

  • 5 Ways to Relieve Mommy Stress

    5 Ways to Relieve Mommy Stress

    Motherhood, with its joys and rewards, also brings its fair share of stress. From the moment of pregnancy to parenting challenges, mommy stress can impact their physical and emotional well-being. Navigating these challenges is vital for maternal well-being and the health of both mothers and children. 1. SINGING! Melodic Mommy Stress Release Singing has been…

  • Questions about Bengkung (Belly Band)? We got answers!

    Questions about Bengkung (Belly Band)? We got answers!

    You asked, and we’ve delivered! After surveying our Instagram followers, we’ve discovered a strong interest in our best-selling product – the Postnatal Belly Band, also known as the Bengkung. Today, we’re addressing the Top 10 Questions frequently asked by our valued customers. Can I wear the Bengkung wrap to sleep or during meals?  Yes, you…

  • Postnatal Belly Band and Health of Back

    It is no secret that pregnancy changes your body. The changes range from a few stretch marks to changes in body type. But because it all comes with a bundle of joy and mommies are willing to embrace the changes. Having said that, child care immediately after giving birth and even up until your baby become…

  • The reason why you need a Postnatal Belly Band

    The reason why you need a Postnatal Belly Band

    With all the celebrities stepping out in perfect postnatal bodies, there has been an increased emphasis is getting back in shape post-pregnancy. Why should you stop caring about being fit and healthy post-pregnancy right? Plus shedding those extra pounds will make you look good and feel good. Getting back in shape is not about getting your pre-pregnancy…

  • Benefits of an infer-red postnatal belly band

    Giving birth is a physically strenuous task. A mother’s body goes through a lot of during pregnancy and a lot of through is put into pregnancy care. But the change does not end there. Post pregnancy, a mother’s body will going to have another round of change,and this time the body is going back to its pre-pregnancy…