Android Pelvis? 4 Pelvic Types and Mother’s Birth Anatomy

Do you know that the human pelvis can be classified into 4 different types based on their shape and bone features? Your pelvic shape could determine your birth experience and whether you would have a higher vaginal birth success rate.

Gynaecoid pelvis 
Or so-called the “normal female” pelvis. 
The Gynaecoid pelvis is wider and broader with room for the baby to pass through more easily than other types of the pelvis. Pregnant women with this type of pelvis could deliver their babies with less difficulty and trauma. Chances of successful vaginal birth are also higher. 

The anthropoid pelvis has an oval shape, the front to back distance is longer in this kind of pelvis. The anthropoid pelvis was found to be suitable for a vaginal birth as the anteroposterior diameter is longer. 

Android pelvis has a heart shape, the pubic arch is smaller posing difficulty for the baby to pass through the pelvis. 

Platypelloid pelvis
There are fewer women with platypelloid pelvis. It has a transversely oval shape and the pubic archer is shorter. It is harder for the baby to pass the pelvic brim. 


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