How Ring Slings Facilitate Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is becoming increasingly popular after facing a tough competition with formula for years. The benefits and value of breastfeeding have been highlighted by medical professionals around the world. Countless studies have shown the benefits of breastfeeding, ranging from post pregnancy weight loss for mommies to improved emotional development for babies. While there are moms who choose otherwise or simply aren’t able to nurse for various reasons, without a doubt nursing is a big part of bringing up a child. This post isn’t about proving breastfeeding is better than formula, instead it is about the tools available today that makes nursing a lot more convenient. For the lucky ones, being able to nurse your child has its own sense of satisfaction, and breastfeeding and ring slings are the best of friends that go together.

How do ring slings facilitate nursing?

  • On-the-go: Mommies with little ones understand that when babies got to eat, they got to eat straight away. The worst nightmare for some breastfeeding mommies is when their little angels get hungry, and cranky when your hands are full, in public. The large drape of excess material on ring slings allow mommies to privately nurse their babies in public.
  • Practice makes perfect: Ok maybe not perfect but a pro. Just like anything, breastfeeding with your ring sling requires practice. Try it a few times at home and once you’re comfortable you never have to panic when your baby gets hungry again. You can privately feed your little one even when you are out and about.
  • Improved lactation: Breastfeeding is a part of attachment parenting and there are countless studies that highlight the benefits of some extra loving for babies. Increased bond between mother and baby is known to improve lactation. Ring slings foster a closer bond between mother and baby. So ring slings create a favorable environment for mothers that opt to nurse their little ones.

Breastfeeding and ring slings have become important aspects of attachment parenting. Studies continue to show that increased bond between a mother and a baby has multiple benefits for the emotional and physical well being of mothers and babies. There are many mothers who choose to nurse and have various complications. While some complications are complex, some simpler ones can be resolved by increasing the connection between mother and babies. In a day and age where being out and about is unavoidable the practical uses of ring slings are obvious. Increased closeness of mommy and baby can go a long way and ring slings help maintain this closeness in a practical arrangement.


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