Author: mamaway

  • Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Types, Causes & Treatment

    Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Types, Causes & Treatment

    Breast cancer occurs when there is a transformation of normal breast cells into cancerous cells that rapidly multiply and create tumors. While breast cancer is most commonly found in women and individuals assigned female at birth, particularly those aged 50 and above, it can also impact men and individuals assigned male at birth, as well…

  • Benefits of Mirror Play for Babies

    Benefits of Mirror Play for Babies

    Mirror play offers more than just a reflection—it’s a profound journey of self-awareness and delight for babies. As your little one interacts with their mirrored image, they begin to recognize themselves and experiment with expressions and sounds, fostering early communication skills and exploring their expressions. Mirror play also fosters early language development, encourages social connection,…

  • Your Baby Actually Likes the Swaddle: Here’s Why and How to Do It Right

    Your Baby Actually Likes the Swaddle: Here’s Why and How to Do It Right

    Swaddling has been a cherished practice for centuries, and there’s a good reason why. Contrary to what you might think, your baby actually likes being swaddled. In this article, we’ll delve into the science and benefits behind swaddling and provide you with expert tips on how to do it right for maximum comfort and security.…

  • Eliminating pregnancy stretch marks is not difficult with right belly oil!

    Eliminating pregnancy stretch marks is not difficult with right belly oil!

    Pregnancy marks occur due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and the growing belly, resulting in the appearance of lines on the stomach. Do you know if it’s possible to prevent pregnancy marks? Here are 5 major methods to combat pregnancy marks so that even mothers who have already developed them don’t need to be afraid.…

  • How Belly Rubs May Affect Babies during Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a time of joy, anticipation, and wonder, as you nurture the precious life growing within you. Alongside the physical changes that come with pregnancy, some various practices and beliefs circulate, including the notion of belly rubbing. While belly rubs are often seen as a loving gesture, there are misconceptions about the potential effects…

  • 10 Benefits of Eating Sweet Potatoes During Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a remarkable journey that demands special attention to nutritional choices. Among the plethora of options, sweet potatoes stand out as a nutrient-rich and delicious addition to any expectant mother’s diet. Providing a range of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, sweet potatoes benefit both the mother and the growing child. Top 10 benefits of incorporating…

  • How do I know if my baby has colic symptoms?

    Babies with colic symptomatic symptoms cry excessively at the same time each day, usually at night or late afternoon, and are usually less than 3 months of age. In babies, colitis affects one in five. The exact cause of colic is unknown, but some possible factors that may contribute to it include digestive issues, overstimulation,…

  • Vaginal Birth Versus C-Section Pros and Cons

    Vaginal Birth Versus C-Section Pros and Cons

    Vaginal birth and Cesarean section (C-section) are two methods of childbirth that women can choose or that may be recommended by their healthcare provider. In vaginal birth, the baby is delivered through the mother’s vagina with the help of contractions, pushing, and sometimes assisted with tools like forceps or vacuum extractors. Vaginal birth can be…

  • 5 Most Effective Ways to Protect Baby’s Hip Joint

    Protecting a baby’s hip joint is essential for proper hip development and to avoid developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), which causes faulty hip formation. Sometimes the condition starts before the baby is born, and sometimes it happens after birth, as the child grows. It can affect one hip or both. What Are the Signs…

  • What can an unborn baby do? How do they interact?

    Unborn babies, also known as fetuses, spend approximately nine months in the mother’s womb before being born. During this time, they undergo incredible development, growing from a single cell to a fully formed human being. Despite being hidden from the outside world, unborn babies are capable of many amazing things while in the womb. From…