Kombucha for Weight Loss, but can I drink it When I’m Pregnant?

More Malaysians are following the new healthy food trend and started drinking kombucha, kombucha is now available in many supermarkets and organic groceries store. 

If you never heard of kombucha yet, here’s a quick intro to keep you on board. 

Fermented drink

Kombucha is a drink fermented from SCOBY (bacteria & yeast) mixed with tea. The whole fermentation process takes from a week to a month. 


You can choose to buy the ingredients and brew the tea yourself. Kombucha making tutorials are available online. 

Source of probiotics

Probiotics are good bacteria that help with your digestion. Kombucha is well-known for improving your digestive health due to the good bacteria in it. 

Weight loss, digestive problems

Since kombucha is rich in probiotics and other good bacteria, it can assist your digestion and help with your weight loss. 


Kombucha is a sparkling drink, it is usually sweet and sour which is a perfect substitute for other sugary drinks. 

The question now is, can I drink it when I’m pregnant?

Well, according to experts, the answer is it is NOT recommended. 

Here’s why: 

  1. Kombucha contains caffeine.
    There’s always a debate on the amount of caffeine pregnant women can take. What everyone agrees is pregnant women should cut down their caffeine intake. Therefore, you should probably avoid or drink less kombucha for a while. 
  2. Kombucha contains alcohol.
    Yes, it’s only a small amount. So if you and your doctor won’t mind you taking some alcohol during pregnancy then good, go for it. But if you have doubts, or you were recommended to regulate alcohol intake, you probably should not drink kombucha. 



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